Girl Fight

Are you one of those people who cringe when you surf the channel and see a knock down drag out fight on an episode of Basketball Wives or The Bad Girls Club? Not me.  Don't judge me, I grew up watching Alexis Colby Carrington, Dominique Deveraux and Krystle Jennings duke it out week after week on Dynasty.  I can still remember back then it was money and power that they were fighting over.  I must admit that some of the fights that happen on the reality shows completely baffle me.  The reasons are so silly that....well let's not even talk about it. 

I recently found out about a group of girls who actually have something worth fighting about.  My daughter's high school wrestling team.   I have to admit that when she first told me last year that
she was wrestling I just kinda giggled to myself.  Although she is what I would consider  a tomboy I just didn't see her wrestling.  It's true what they say some things you just have to see to believe. 

This was the first year that the PSAL had an all girls league.  About 280 girls made up the 16 teams from high schools around the New York City.  Although the program is still in it's developmental phase I would say they were off to a pretty good start.  In previous years girls who wanted to wrestle were only able to do so on boy's teams.  Just this winter there were 60 girls who wrestled on boy's team.

My daughter really enjoyed wrestling last year and she was so excited to start the season this year.  She spent many hours afterschool training and practicing.  She adhered to a suggested diet which consisted of switching from 2% milk to skim, changing her regular cereal to one that was high in fiber, and egg whites.  She drank lots of water, ate lots of fruit and baked potatoes.  We also sought some alternatives for maintaining her protein intake instead of just meat.

All of her hard work and discipline definitely paid off she won a lot of her matches.  Her team  made it to the semi finals and were outmatched by a team who boasts having one of the best high school  female wrestlers in the country.  So for them it was still a win.


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