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Girl Fight

    Are you one of those people who cringe when you surf the channel and see a knock down drag out fight on an episode of Basketball Wives or The Bad Girls Club? Not me.  Don't judge me, I grew up watching Alexis Colby Carrington, Dominique Deveraux and Krystle Jennings duke it out week after week on Dynasty.  I can still remember back then it was money and power that they were fighting over.  I must admit that some of the fights that happen on the reality shows completely baffle me.  The reasons are so silly that....well let's not even talk about it.  I recently found out about a group of girls who actually have something worth fighting about.  My daughter's high school wrestling team.   I have to admit that when she first told me last year that she was wrestling I just kinda giggled to myself.  Although she is what I would consider  a tomboy I just didn't see her wrestling.  It's true what they say some things you just have to see to believe. 

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