About Me
I'm Koyatha but you can call me Koy. I'm a stay at home mom of 5 including my little dog Marley. I like to think of everyday with them and my significant other as my life as a sitcom. There is never a dull moment with them. I can't even believe some of the things that happen with these guys. I'm so glad that you decided to stop by to follow us on our journey and share our Misadventures with us.

This is my little guy Marley. Isn't is adorable? This is one of the best gifts that I've ever been given. Sometimes I'm not sure he knows that he's a dog, because he acts like he just one of the gang.
This is my handsome little Blockhead. Even though he is definately outnumbered he has no problem finding his place.
Although our beginning was really rough and I shed a lot of tears. I wouldn't take those days back, out of them came so much pride and joy
This is my little doll Kitty Kat. She is our miracle baby. She was born at only 27 weeks and weighed 2.5lbs. Now she's a bright, beautiful toddler who I suspect wants to rule the world.....she already has the household under her belt.
I was almost into tears. This is good CoCo Morris.