A few weeks ago I was invited to attend Activision's Family Game Summit. Being a game loving mama you can imagine how excited I was to get the invitation. Since it was taking place on a weekday I couldn't have all the kids tag along. I decided that I would take my 2 yr old since free
childcare was being provided. I also took my 10 yr old because not only is she a huge gamer but she is great at
helping to wrangle her little sister.

The day of the event came and it was raining so I wasn't quite sure if I was even going to go. At the very last minute I decided to go. So I dressed baby and myself and we headed downtown to pick up my 10 yr old. Picking up her up from school is never as simple going to the office and signing her out and getting her from class. Nope, never that simple. There is the scavenger hunt to find her because they're not in class they're at recess. So back down the 4 flights of stairs with the baby in my arms. And of course when I do find her she has to go back up to get her books. Then she comes back down and gives a person goodbye to all 20 of her classmates as if this is her farewell tour. Finally we are in a cab and are headed to Chelsea. The ride from the Lower East Side took forever. When we did finally make it we were late and my 2 yr old decided that she wanted to keep her hat and coat on. So I checked them into Lucky Lil Darlings grabbed a bottle of water and took a seat.

The panel included Soleil Moon Frye who I remember as Punky Brewster. She spoke about the role that video gaming plays in her household. Nicole Armstrong Activision's Marketing Director who gave us all the info on the new games that Activision has for this holiday season. Patricia Vance who is the President of the ESRB told us about the new rating systems for games and what we can do to keep our kids safe when they are gaming. I gained some very useful knowledge about the benefits of gaming. Overall it actually made me want to play more games with my children as a family. We got a great swag bag filled with some of activision's newest games, a target gift card, Soleil Moon Frye's book Happy Chaos, and lots of other goodies that my kids relished over.
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